Shrimp Paesano Recipe: CRAZY Taste

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Shrimp Paesano Recipe

Shrimp Recipes


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I’m obsessed with Shrimp Paesano. The creamy sauce infused with garlic, lemon, and a hint of white wine… the juicy, perfectly-cooked shrimp… the delicate angel hair pasta… it’s the kind of dish that makes my taste buds sing. If you’ve never experienced this Italian-American culinary delight, prepare to be amazed.

Key Takeaways

  • Shrimp Paesano is a luxuriously delicious Italian-American dish featuring plump shrimp in a creamy, garlicky sauce.
  • It’s surprisingly easy to make and endlessly customizable.
  • It’s the perfect dish for a special occasion or a quick weeknight meal.


What is the Shrimp Paesano Recipe?

The Shrimp Paesano recipe is a classic seafood pasta dish. It features succulent shrimp simmered in a velvety sauce made with butter, garlic, lemon juice, a touch of white wine (optional), and fresh herbs like parsley and chives.

The real kicker is how the shrimp gets cooked: first seared on one side then finished with a quick trip under the broiler. This technique ensures perfectly cooked shrimp every time.

Shrimp Paesano Ingredients

The great thing about Shrimp Paesano is that it requires simple ingredients that create incredible flavors. Here’s what you’ll need:

Shrimp Paesano Recipe
ShrimpBoth juice and zest for a bright, citrusy flavor
ButterUnsalted, for maximum salt control
GarlicFreshly minced is essential
LemonOptional, add depth of flavor
Herbs (Parsley, Chives)Fresh, for vibrant color and earthy notes
FlourTo lightly dredge shrimp for a crispy sear
White WineOptional, adds depth of flavor
Half-and-Half (or Heavy Cream)Creates luxuriously rich sauce, but also optional
Angel Hair PastaTraditional, but other pasta shapes work too

Shrimp Paesano Instructions

Ready to whip up your own restaurant-worthy Shrimp Paesano? It’s easier than you might think.

Shrimp Paesano Recipe

Step 1: Shrimp Prep

First things first, let’s tackle those shrimp. If you’re using frozen, give them a good thaw in the fridge overnight or a quick rinse in cool water. Now, peel off those shells and get rid of that icky vein running down the back. It gets the job done in seconds, and trust me, your tastebuds will thank you.

Step 2: The Optional (But Awesome) Creamy Soak

Some recipes swear by soaking the shrimp in half-and-half for about 30 minutes. They say it makes them extra tender. Honestly, if using fresh shrimp I usually skip this step, but if you have the time, go for it!

Step 3: Time for a Light Flour Dusting

Toss your shrimp babies in a bit of flour seasoned with salt and pepper. This little trick helps them get a gorgeously golden-brown sear. We’re going for restaurant quality here!

Step 4: The Sizzle and Broil Magic

Heat some olive oil in that trusty skillet. When it sizzles, add the shrimp in a single layer and let them cook for 2-3 minutes per side. The key here is to not disturb them – let them do their thing until they develop that beautiful crust. Now, pop that pan under the broiler for another 2-3 minutes to finish them to juicy perfection.

Step 5: Sauce It Up Like a Boss

While those shrimp finish in the oven, it’s sauce time! Melt some butter in a saucepan and sauté that glorious garlic for about 30 seconds, just until it gets super fragrant. Whisk in that bright lemon juice, a splash of white wine (if you’re feeling fancy), and the half-and-half if you want an extra decadent sauce. Simmer it gently until it thickens just a touch. Now toss in those fresh herbs for a pop of flavor.

Step 6: The Grand Finale

Cook your favorite angel hair pasta (or whatever floats your boat) according to the package directions. Drain it, toss it with that dreamy sauce, and then nestle those gorgeous shrimp on top. A final sprinkle of parsley for good measure, and voila!

See? Shrimp Paesano isn’t nearly as intimidating as it sounds. A few simple steps, some fresh ingredients, and you’ve got yourself the kind of dinner that’ll have everyone asking for seconds!

Shrimp Paesano Recipe Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tricks I’ve learned for the perfect Shrimp Paesano:

  • The Right Shrimp: Larger shrimp are easier to cook evenly and yield a better texture. If using frozen shrimp, thaw completely and pat dry.
  • Don’t Overcrowd the Pan: Cook the shrimp in batches if needed to prevent overcrowding and ensure perfect browning.
  • Customizable Flavor: Add a pinch of crushed red pepper for a hint of heat, or stir in a handful of spinach at the end.

Shrimp Paesano Recipe Variations

The beauty of a classic recipe is that it leaves room for experimentation. Here are a few delicious twists on Shrimp Paesano:

  • Swap the Protein: While shrimp is the star, you can easily substitute scallops or even bite-sized chicken pieces if that’s more your style.
  • Spice It Up: Add a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes to the sauce for a touch of heat. Experiment with different chili peppers for distinct flavor profiles.
  • Veggie Boost: Stir in some sautéed vegetables towards the end of the sauce preparation. Mushrooms, bell peppers, or asparagus all pair beautifully.
  • Pasta Play: Angel hair is classic, but Shrimp Paesano is delicious with other pasta shapes. Try linguine, fettuccine, or even zucchini noodles for a lighter option.

Shrimp Paesano Perfect Wine Pairing

Shrimp Paesano’s creamy, citrusy notes call for a crisp, refreshing white wine. Here are some excellent choices:

  • Pinot Grigio: Its light body, subtle fruitiness, and bright acidity make it a perfect match.
  • Sauvignon Blanc: A zesty Sauvignon Blanc, with its herbal notes and citrusy profile, complements the dish wonderfully.
  • Chardonnay: An unoaked Chardonnay offers lovely brightness and a hint of creaminess that works well with the sauce.

Shrimp Paesano Nutritional Information

Shrimp Paesano can certainly be a part of a healthy diet. Here’s an approximate nutritional breakdown per serving:

NutrientApproximate Amount
Protein30-35 grams
Fat20-30 grams
Carbohydrates40-50 grams

Please Note: These values can vary depending on the specific ingredients, serving size, and any additions you make to the recipe.

Shrimp Paesano Storage and Reheating

Leftover Shrimp Paesano keeps well in the refrigerator. Follow these instructions:

  • Storing: Place leftovers in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days.
  • Reheating: Gently reheat the sauce and shrimp over low heat on the stovetop, or in the microwave until warmed through.


Can I use frozen shrimp?

Yes! Just thaw the shrimp completely and pat them dry before cooking.

Is Shrimp Paesano spicy?

The base recipe is not spicy, but it’s incredibly easy to add a kick of heat with red pepper flakes or your favorite hot sauce.

What if I don’t have half-and-half?

You can substitute heavy cream, whole milk, or even a combination of milk and a bit of extra butter.

Can I make this dish gluten-free?

Absolutely! Use gluten-free pasta and make sure your flour for dredging is also gluten-free.

How long does Shrimp Paesano last in the fridge?

Stored properly, it will keep for up to 3 days.

Can I make Shrimp Paesano ahead of time?

You can prepare the sauce and cook the shrimp a few hours in advance. Store separately in the refrigerator and combine just before serving. Reheat gently and serve over freshly cooked pasta.

What side dishes pair well with Shrimp Paesano?

Keep it simple with a refreshing green salad, crusty bread for dipping in the sauce, or a side of roasted vegetables like broccoli or asparagus.

Shrimp Paesano Conclusion

I hope this deep dive has left you feeling inspired to create your own Shrimp Paesano masterpiece! It’s a dish that embodies the delicious simplicity of Italian-American cooking.

With fresh ingredients, minimal fuss, and a whole lot of creamy, garlicky goodness, Shrimp Paesano is the ultimate flavor experience. So, grab those shrimp and get cooking!


Shrimp Paesano / Shrimp Paesano Recipe

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