General Tso Shrimp recipe is INSANELY Delicious

I’m obsessed with the General Tso Shrimp recipe. That crispy shrimp, the glossy sauce with its perfect balance of sweet, savory, and spicy…it’s the takeout order I crave most often. But lately, I’ve realized something: the best General Tso’s Shrimp happens in my kitchen! Turns out, it’s incredibly easy to make, and with a bit of practice, you can beat any takeout joint. Let’s dive in! [toc] Key Takeaways What is General Tso’s Shrimp? This dish is a symphony in a bowl! Think jumbo shrimp, flash-fried to crispy perfection, coated in a sticky, tangy, seriously addictive sauce. Often, you’ll find … Read more


General Tso Shrimp / General Tso Shrimp recipe